How do I start a Neighborhood Watch Program?

Any interested citizen may establish a Neighborhood Watch Program on his/her street, by taking the following steps:

  1. Visit your neighbors and tell them you are interested in discouraging crime in your neighborhood. Ask for their support and involvement, and set a date for a Neighborhood Watch meeting.
  2. Contact the Neptune Beach Police Department  at 270-2413 to request an officer to attend the Neighborhood Watch meeting. The officer can help you organize and explain the program.
  3. Distribute letters inviting your neighbors to attend the Neighborhood Watch meeting.
  4. At the meeting, neighbors will be encouraged to share their name, address and phone number for use in a neighborhood listing. All participating residents will receive a copy of this listing.
  5. Neighbors will receive a Neighborhood Watch manual which explains how to form an individual watch program and what assistance you will receive from the Neptune Beach Police Department.
  6. Neighborhood Watch members will receive communications from the Neptune Beach Police Department regarding crime alerts in their neighborhood. Members are encouraged to stay in touch with the department.
  7. Each Neighborhood Watch group will set up their own dates, times and places to meet. The group captain may contact the NBPD about future meetings and request information or express concerns.
  8. The Neptune Beach Police Department provides assistance, free of charge, to those wishing to start a Neighborhood Watch Program.

For more information, contact the NBPD at 270-2413.