FEMA Flood Zones:Know your flood hazard

Your property is subject to flooding? You are in a repetitively flooded area?

Call 904-270-2400 to find out the flood hazard for your property(extension 4 or 34)

You can also use FEMA Flood Map Service Center: Search By Address

The table below explains the flood zones that can be viewed on a community's flood insurance rate map (FIRM):

Annual Probability of Flooding of 1% or greater 
ASubject to 100-year flood. Base flood elevation undetermined.
AE or A1-A30Both AE and A1-A30 represent areas subject to 100-year flood with base flood elevation determined.
AHSubject to 100-year shallow flooding (usually areas of poundings) with average depth of 1-3 feet. Base flood elevation determined.
AOSubject to 100-year shallow flooding (usually sheet flow on sloping terrain) with average depth of 1-3 feet. Base flood elevation undetermined.
A99Subject to 100-year flood, with federal flood protection system (levee/dam) under construction. Base flood elevation undetermined.
VSubject to 100-year flood and additional velocity hazard (wave action). Base flood elevation undetermined.
VE or V1-V30Both VE and V1-V30 represent areas subject to 100-year flood and additional velocity hazard (wave action). Base flood elevation determined.
In SFHAAreas in a "Special Flood Hazard Area" (or 100-year flood plain). Subject to 1% annual chance flooding. No distinctions have been made between the different flood hazard zones that may be included within the SFHA.
Flood Prone AreaAn area designated as a "Flood Prone Area" on a map prepared by USGS and the Federal Insurance Administration. This area has been delineated based on available information on past floods. This is an area inundated by 1% annual chance flooding for which no base flood elevations have been determined.


Less than Annual Probability of Flooding of 1% or greater

XAreas outside the 500-year flood plain with less than 0.2% annual probability of flooding.
X500Areas between the limits of the 100-year and 500-year flood; or certain areas subject to 100-year flood with average depths less than 1 foot or where the contributing drainage area is less than 1 square mile; or areas protected by levees from the 100-year flood. These zones are shown on the FIRM as shaded "X" zones.
No SFHAAreas outside a "Special Flood Hazard Area" (or 100-year flood plain). Can include areas inundated by 0.2% annual chance flooding; areas inundated by 1% annual chance flooding with average depths of less than 1 foot or with drainage areas less than 1 square mile; areas protected by levees from 1% annual chance flooding; or areas outside the 1% and 0.2% annual chance floodplains.
DUnstudied areas. Flood hazards are undetermined.